Biography english
Mike Hieronymus
Born in Saarbrücken, Germany 1961
1968 Moved to Munich, Germany
1979______________Training as a Visual Merchandiser
Since 1985________Worked as an Advertising Graphics Designer Advertising Agencies in Saarbrücken and Munich, Germany
1990_______________Returned to Saarbrücken, Germany
1997 – 2008_______Head of Graphics and Marketing Dwyers Irish Pub Group Germany
Since 2008_________Self-employed Graphics Designer
Since 2017_________Collaboration with the Gallery Elitzer Saarbrücken (Galerist) und Philipp Elitzer (Publisher, Agent)
2018_______________Art Collaborations:
____________________“Mister One“ (Amelie Kremer) Grafitti (Saarbrücken)
_____________________Michael „JULIUS“ Schwarz (Saarbrücken, New York, Los Angeles)
2019_______________ Art Collaborations:
____________________„Digk Design“ (Thorsten Dick) „Delfazzo Champagner cooler Comicstyle“
2019_______________The Capital City of Saarland (Saarbrücken) acquired “Hieronymus popART” for their Collection of Art.
photo: jean m. laffitau